Initial Value Problems

When a differential equation is given along with a x value that correlates with a y value for that question, you can solve what the constant "c" is equal to. Examples are provided below.

1. Solve the differential equation how you normally would (refer to this page if you need help with solving the differential equation)
2. Plug in the x and y values into the solved differential equation to evaluate for the "c" constant
3. Once you have found the "c" constant, plug it into the original solved differential equation from step 1

Question 1: \[dy/dx = {5x \over 3y^2 + 2}, y(1) = 0\]

Question 2: \[dy/dx = (y+10)(x-12), y(3) = 1\]

Question 3: \[(1-x^2)^{1/2}(dy/dx) = 7xy, y(0) = 6\]